Suien Honjozo Namachozo Sake 300ml

This Suien Honjozo Namachozo Sake is slightly dry and should be drunk well chilled. Nama chouzou means that the sake has only been pasteurized once. This not only preserves a certain freshness, you can also enhance the aroma and taste the rice very nicely.
Suien - `Drunken Garden` is a traditional brewery with over 200 years of tradition from Nagano Prefecture. The small town of Azumino is famous for some of the best wasabi in Japan. Wasabi only grows in very clear, fresh water and that is exactly that Suien brews his sake with.
For the Toji (master brewer) of Suien, it is not man who brews the sake, he only helps nature. To this day, modern methods are not used and the sake is the result of the interaction of nature and the many years of experience and intuition of the master brewer.
Product details:
- Size: 300ml
- Distribution only to adult persons age 18+
- Alcohol: 14%
- SMV: +2
- Acid: 1.4
- Aminos acid/Umami: 1.4
- Polishing degree: 60%
- Origin: Nagano, Japan