Mitsui Brown Sugar from Okinawa 300g

Kokuto Okinawa Brown Sugar 300g

Regular price €9,99 Unit price €31,22perkg
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Okinawan brown sugar, also known as Kokuto or Kurosato, is known in Japanese cooking for its deep & intense flavor, different than the usual refined white sugar. Only eight islands in the archipelago produce what can be called Okinawan brown sugar, and each sugar has its different character. The main difference here comes from the soil: Coral islands impart a different flavor from other types of islands.

Mitsui Kokuto Brown Sugar is very rich in taste: On the tongue it tastes of brown sugar with earthy mineral tones and savoriness. The fragrance is deep with hints of tobacco. Not only can you use this amazing sugar in your favorite desserts, but it is a great addition to many savory dishes such as stews, soups or braising meat.

  • Size: 300g
  • Ingredients: 100% sugar
  • Origin: Okinawa, Japan

Recommended for:

  • Curry stew
  • Cooking
  • Pork belly
  • Pastry

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Wolfgang Wangerin
Okinawa juhu

Ich bin immer sehr glücklich Produkte aus Okinawa zu finden.