Kintsugi DIY Kit

When repairing something in life, we often look to repair it to exactly as it was beforehand. However, the Japanase art of Kintsugi teaches us, that sometimes it’s better to wear our imperfections in order to create something completely different design-wise.
For anyone interested in repairing items, this Kintsugi DIY Kit offers the ideal starting point to get introduced to this process. Sealing up those shattered areas and bring the remaining parts back to life with the power of Japanese Kintsugi!
This kit is designed to help you mastering this ancient form of DIY: you will learn to use a coloured glue to help seal the cracks and snaps of items like glasses, plates or cups. Finally you will end up with a newly designed food-save product which seals will last up to 100° celsius.
Product features:
- Epoxy fast glue product for mixing
- Colour powder (gold)
- Detailed instructions
- Brushes for applying your repairs
- Mixing Sticks for easier preparation
- Gloves for protecting your hands